We asked Scottish students about the possibility of a second independence referendum
We asked UoG students if they want one, and how they would vote
With Nicola Sturgeon’s calls for a second independence vote yesterday morning, we took to University Avenue to find out what you had to say about it.
In 2014, the first referendum saw Scots vote against independence by 55 per cent to 45 per cent. Since then, Scottish voters opted to remain in the EU referendum, 62 per cent to 38 per cent, a result that was arguably overlooked by the rest of the UK, who voted to leave.
For many disenfranchised Scots, this was the final straw. Sturgeon says the referendum will take place between Autumn 2018 and Spring 2019, when the consequences of triggering article 50 will be more clear.
We asked if you support indyref2, and how you would vote.
Darragh Meechan, second year History
Do we need a second referendum?
Yes, we potentially need one in the future but not yet – there hasn’t been enough time since the last one.
How would you vote?
I can’t vote because I’m English, but if I could I would vote to remain in the UK because Scotland can’t support itself economically. What currency would we have? The Bank of England won’t be a lender and we don’t fit the criteria for the Euro, there would be an economic backlash and Scotland would lose business.
Jasmine Yule, second year Law
Do we need a second referendum?
How would you vote?
I would vote for independence because of Brexit.
Iona Elliot Johnson, second year French and Spanish
Do we need second referendum?
Yes, because so much has changed since the last one. Last time I voted to Remain but now it’s all a mess.
How would you vote?
I would vote for independence because I would personally rather be in the EU than the UK at the moment!
Duncan Logie, graduated, Theology and Politics)
Do we need a second referendum?
Yes – it should be put to the Scottish people because of the circumstances of Brexit
How would you vote?
I would vote yes to independence, but I’m American.
Grant Drummond, second year Microbiology (left)
Do we need a second referendum?
Yes, because Scottish people should make their own decisions
How would you vote?
I would vote to be independent
Joe Hollis, 2nd year History and Classics (right)
Do we need a second referendum?
No, because separation is the wrong way to go right now.
How would you vote?
I’m English but I would vote to remain in the UK if I were Scottish.
Lauren Wheeler (left), second year Business Management
Do we need another referendum?
How would you vote?
To stay in the UK, because it’s not in our interest to be separate at the moment.
Jenny McCall (middle-left), second year Psychology
Do we need a second referendum?
How would you vote?
Yes, because we should have more power in parliament and stay in the EU.
Lucy McCran (middle-right), second year Primary Education
Do we need a second referendum?
No – it’s too soon after the last one
How would you vote?
I’d vote to stay in the UK because Scotland’s position at the minute is unstable because of Brexit, times are too uncertain right now.
Ellen McLeod (right), second year Business Management
Do we need a second referendum?
No, it’s too close to the last one.
How would you vote?
I’d vote no to independence, we’re better off together.
Jack Heathcote, second year History and Classics
Do we need a second referendum?
No, because if the UK is split all you’re going to get is a race to the bottom between Scotland and the rest of the UK for the best tax haven, we need a united front.
How would you vote?
I’d vote no, because the SNP are untrustworthy and an independent Scotland will descend into chauvinism and be ineffective.
Molly Edwards, second year Sociology and Politics
Do we need a second referendum?
Yes, because the UK broke their promise about staying in Europe.
How would you vote?
I’d vote for independence because at the moment we’re in a democratic deficit – we’re not represented by Westminster. Through Brexit we’re isolating ourselves from the world, but voting yes to the referendum ensures we stay part of the global community.
Chloe Imrie, first year Law and French
Do we need a second referendum?
Yes – basically I feel really disenfranchised from the UK government – we didn’t vote for a Conservative government but we got one because the Scottish electorate aren’t represented at all. Although we have devolution it’s not enough!
How would you vote?
I would vote to leave the UK, the opinions of the Scottish people are constantly being overridden, such as being dragged out of the EU after being told in 2014 we had to remain in the UK to protect our place in Europe.
The vote is not yet confirmed, next week Nicola Sturgeon will ask the Scottish parliament for permission to request a section 30 order from Westminster.
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