What is a Rector and what do they actually do?

An idiot’s guide to who and what a Rector is

The word “Rector” seems to be bouncing around a lot lately amid the problems and controversy surrounding the nominations.

For all the newbies at the university and for those who take little interest in university politics, you’re all probably a little bit confused about the matter.

But fear not, we are here to save you and Google a job, and inform you on who and what a Rector is *cue heroic music*.

What is a Rector?

As far back as the Reformation Glasgow have elected rectors. At this time they were simply ministers, but today we see a whole range of individuals being nominated from local landowners to Scottish legal and political figures.

So it begs the question – what exactly is a rector?

A rector is elected for a period of three years and acts as an intermediate between students and the University manager. Their role is to essentially voice our concerns.

Rector hold a very influential position in the University Court so any concerns they raise are taken very seriously.

Due to the demanding nature of the job –  having to participate in all meetings, they are often given clerical support and office accommodation on campus.

The role of Rector

A rector has a variety of duties which focus on representing the students. It is their duty to attend meetings of Court and work with the SRC to bring student concerns to the attention of the University’s managers in order to improve student experience.

These concerns can address any aspect of the University policy such as teaching quality, student finance and campus development.

Although their main role is to be well-informed about student issues, they can also bring to light their own causes and concerns too.

The rector can also attend events such as surgeries where any registered student can talk about university concerns. They are invited to a number of university held events such as Open Day, Commemoration Day, Freshers’ Address and functions held by clubs and societies. However, participation in these is voluntary.

But what does this mean for you?

The rector holds an influential position on campus and acts within the interests of the students.

They have a considerable influence in the Court and in the policies of the University, and make sure all concerns are fully aired in Court

So if you have any concerns surrounding the policy of the University and want your concerns to be voiced at the highest level then the presence of a Rector allows for this.

Now what?

Read the manifestos and pick your next rector at online elections taking place on 20th-21st March.

Featured image courtesy of Glasgow SRC.