Uni library launches bizarre online points system to encourage friend-making and revision

We think

Like the rest of you, I’m currently in the library, crying over the pain that is at the moment unifying students from all walks of life under one beautiful banner of sadness.

Studying has reduced all of our psychological states to that of toddlers, bawling in the early hours of the morning over a bottle (not always of milk) and weeping our eyes out when the late night jam to toast ratio is yet again incorrect.

“Leave me here to wallow”

Yup, exams suck. But do you know what doesn’t suck?

Fake internet points.

And it turns out that on top of all your other completely under-appreciated social media accounts you can now get that much needed ego boost from the library too.

Mate it’s not funny we’re well excited

Glasgow LibraryTree is a snazzy new site that allows you to complete set challenges in and around the library and rewards you with some pretty sexy badge designs.

I promise I do have real life pals

It’s like Jungle Run but about 10 percent as exciting and in no way monkey-related.

Challenges include “visiting the library at the weekend five times” for a Weekender badge and reviewing a book for that much sought after “Librarian’s Best Friend”.

Getting in on the exhilarating action does, however, require you actually signing into your university library account, which may discourage many of you.

This guy knows.

But hey, if you’re stuck in here anyway you may as well.