These students did terrible things to make ends meet while skint

And some of it was pretty disgusting


It’s not easy being at uni.

You have to budget for 11am starts, excessive drinking and midnight munchies.

And after speaking to students on the streets of Glasgow, we discovered they’ll do anything to fund this unaaay lifestyle.


Emily, 19, Primary Teaching

“At the big weekend my friend and I spent all our money on booze so we couldn’t afford chips at dinner time. So we went in search of “ground food” and found three leftover half boxes of chips and cheese.

“I’ve also eaten leftover pizza from the bin. The reduced section is definitely your friend.

“Minesweeping the kebab shop as well. Flirting with the men so they give you food.

“I told a man once that I’d be his girlfriend if he gave me half his kebab. I’m pretty sure we’re still dating.

“Also, I left a club once but had no money for the taxi. I got a man to come home with me and pay for it but when he got to my room I told him “I’m not that kind of girl” and made him leave.”

Kirsty, 19, Languages

“My second week of uni the only thing I had in the house was a bag of 24 carrots.”

“I decided to make carrot soup but I forgot to put the water in so I had to eat an enormous pile of burnt carrots.”

Paul (left), 19, Law, and his mates Spud and Ross

Paul: “During summer I went on holiday with my mates. I had to go four days without eating because I was broke.

“Whenever we went out to restaurants, I just had to sit there while my mates ate and they’d give me their leftovers.

“Right now, I’ve just taken out twenty pounds, and that was all I had in my current account and savings account. I had ten pounds in each. I just took it all out.

“I’m sure it will get better. I’ve got  SAAS coming, but they’ve messed it up pretty badly. Until I get SAAS I’m pretty much living below the poverty line, but I’m still going to my classes.

“My advice is as long as you don’t fuck everything away during freshers, or fuck everything away weekly, make sure you’ve got enough money for food.

“Don’t be a fanny about it.”

Ross: “Did you tell her about the red light district on holiday, Paul?”

Spud: “You let bad language on this site, yeah?”

Paul: “Thank fuck.”

Pete, 21, Psychology

“I once had the munchies and didn’t want to spend money on food so I nicked a chip from a homeless guy.

“There was also another time I really wanted a pizza but couldn’t afford it. My mates and I were in a takeaway, and this guy had passed out at a table with his arm cradling a pizza so I took the pizza and ran.

“It was good.”

Tuiska, 20, Law

“I got an unexpected bill and ended up having no money in my bank account for a month.

“I literally ate nothing but pasta for a month straight.

“It was delicious.”

Niall, 22, Microbiology, and his pal Mike, 22, Physics

Niall: “I got screwed over by student finance. I sent in an application and for some reason they disregarded it and gave me the minimum.

“So because of this, I ended up squeezing fish as a summer job. It doesn’t even sound like a real job.

“It was on a fish farm, but we were getting fish eggs, not raising fish to sell, you know? So I would squeeze the fish and the eggs just pop right out.

Mike: “Didn’t you kill a fish because you forgot to take it out of the antiseptic?

Niall: “SHHHHHH”

Niall: “But seriously it’s a shit job. Such a shit job. And I had to do it in Northern Ireland. Apparently you can do it in Scotland as well.

“It’s called Dawn Farms or something like that. I really need a new job. Can you get me a new job?”


Biochemistry student, 19, Cambridgeshire

“I’m quite well off actually.”

What a tosser.