
TabTV: ‘Should you believe a chronic liar when they say they are one?’

See the second part of The Exeter Revue’s Sabb interviews

Speed-chat with the Sabbs

We get the low-down on all the people you’ve been dodging on the way to lectures

Sabb campaign videos: Guild President

To avoid you trawling through YouTube, The Tab rounds up the Sabb campaign videos for Guild President

Are YOU the Next Guild President?

Nominate yourself to spend an extra year at Uni without any lectures – the downside? You have to work.

Cage fighting, sexualised e-mails and the aftermath of THAT blowjob

As voting week opens, The Tab investigates your thoughts on the Guild Elections and it ain’t pretty.

Fab Sabbs?

Our debate editors reflect on the recent Sabbs elections and make things a lot more complicated.