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University of Exeter has been ranked the 16th best in UK!

And we’re ranked third for Material Engineering

Exeter is the 16th best University in the UK, and third best for Material Engineering.

The Guardian 2021 University Guide has ranked Exeter as the 16th best University in the country. Its best subject ranking was Material Engineering, where the Uni ranked third. Exeter also performed well on continuation (the percentage of students who continue their course into second year), ranking sixth.

Exeter was given a score of 69.9/100, a score made up of rankings for student satisfaction, student/staff ratio, spend per student, employability, entry level and continuation.

The University also placed in the top 10 for Classics, Religious Studies, English & Creative Writing, Earth and Marine Sciences and Biosciences.

Local rivals Plymouth placed 37 places below Exeter in 53rd, although sporting rivals Loughborough were nine ahead in seventh.

This year did see a slight decline for Exeter, having ranked six places higher in tenth last year.