Exeter Uni evicts 27 freshers to quarantine students returning from Italy
They have been asked to move into alternative accommodation by tomorrow morning
27 freshers are being kicked out of Pennsylvania Court to make room for quarantined Exeter students returning from Italy.
An email to students currently living in Block A, from the Residence Operations Manager Liz Mossman called residents to a meeting to “urgently” discuss accommodation provision, in which they would all be told “to move with effect from Wednesday 11th March in to alternative accommodation.”
“At the end of the meeting they asked who was willing to comply,” one affected student told The Exeter Tab. “Only two people said they were willing to comply.”
Evicted residents have been protesting outside the accommodation all day. One of the protestors told The Exeter Tab: “We had a meeting earlier where we could voice our views but they had no answer. They can’t tell us how long the relocation will last. We have been given less than 24 hours to move out.”
The student who spoke to The Exeter Tab said the residents received the email at midday today.
Another Block A resident told The Exeter Tab the university had been “vague” and unable to answer questions.
“The meeting was chaired by residence life, we asked to speak to someone senior but she said that wasn’t possible,” they said. “Why are we being spoken to by residence life not people higher up?”
According to multiple students, the University had plans in place from January to bring students back into accommodation, but the residents of Block A were only informed of the relocation this morning.
“We were told we might not be able to go back into our accommodations,”they said. “This might be temporary or it might be the case for the rest of the year. We still have no idea where we’re going and we’ve all been separated.”
“We have to move into alternative accommodation by tomorrow morning (completely move out) in order to move in high risk students returning from Italy in order to quarantine them,” another student said. “We have been given no warning.”
She added: “The Uni had also offered the accommodation to students in Italy before informing us we had to move out.”
The University has provided students with alternative accommodation across campus, but the students have not been informed where as of yet.
If you have been affected by this, DM us on Instagram or message our Facebook page.
The University has been contacted for comment. This article will be updated when they respond.