The Enchanted Garden Ball page has been taken over by trolls
Tickets may have sold out but the bants is still available in abundance
If you are a student here at Exe, you know EGB is undoubtedly the biggest and most anticipated event of the year. It is the perfect way to end the academic year and welcome summer. I mean, drinks, food and fairground rides- what's not there to love? It's basically a carnival where you can dress fancy.
So, it's not really a surprise to hear that tickets sold out within 4 minutes, which has left a lot of people disappointed . As a result, Facebook feeds have been flooded with posts about people looking for tickets. The banter lords have been quick to make the most of the situation because they know how desperate we all are to score EGB tickets.
Surprisingly loads of people have realised that they cannot go anymore and have given out their (friend's) numbers to those looking for tickets.
Others have resorted to more creative ways to get what they want.
Some have accepted their fate but their spirits are still high. EGB or no EGB, there's alternate ways to have a good time!
EGB has only gotten bigger and more popular over the years, so if you have managed to get a ticket, congratulations to you and see you on the 2nd of June! If you haven't there's always next time- be quicker though or you'll miss out again!