Everything you should stop saying to psychology students
No I don’t want to read your mind thank you
Studying psychology makes you realise that people are really quite annoying about your subject.
Now, it’s time to lay a few things on the table and make people aware that what are you saying really isn’t funny.
Psychology is an easy degree
No, it’s really not.
For starters the grade boundaries for Exeter to study Psychology are AAA so it’s pretty hard work to get in in the first place.
We also have to switch between a range of different topics as part of the course including biology, animal behaviour and statistics, as well as actual psychology modules.
I hope you’re not going to try read my mind
When being asked what you study, this is the guaranteed number one reaction to saying psychology: “Ooh I better watch out then, I don’t want you to tell what I’m thinking”.
Of course, any psychology student’s natural response is a bit of forced laughter and “I’ll try not too!!!!!!!!!!!”
Psychology is such a girly subject!
The course may have an overwhelming ratio of females to males but that doesn’t change anything at all, in fact many of the most famous and influential Psychologists are men. Skinner, Freud, Piaget and Bandura – the list is endless.
What are your thoughts on the Electra and Oedipus complex?
This is the most common thing people who don’t study psychology seem to have some sort of knowledge on.
But please, not everything is about Freud, it’s quite simple girls develop penis envy and boys get castration anxiety, it all makes perfect sense, right?
There are so many other amazing things that psychology has found, so come back to us when you’ve discovered Milgram and the electric shock experiment or something else basic like that.
Psychology is not a real science
The fact the degree is in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences alongside biology might be your first clue to the fact it actually is.
Yes, it’s a real science whether you like it or not.
So there’s a couple of things to take note, if you don’t listen we’ll do to you what Bandura did to those poor Bobo Dolls.
Thanks x