There’s now a one hour time limit on unattended library seats

No more three hour cig breaks

In an attempt to tackle the widespread problem of the overcrowding in the library during exam season, and other peak times during the term, the library has brought in a new initiative, supported by the guild.

Possibly in response to complaints about people reserving seats in the library while they attend lectures and seminars, posters have been put up around the library warning students that any possessions left unattended for more than one hour will be allowed to be moved.

Alongside the posters, the library has provided time sheets, to be filled in when you leave your space, in order to let people know how long you’ve been – making the whole thing very easy to fake. If you aren’t back within an hour of the time you left, anyone who wants to take your space can move your things.

Following the previous action of providing more study areas in Devonshire house, the Loft, and taking away books and resources in the library to make room for more desks, this new restriction addresses the problem of people hoarding library spaces.

In connection to this, the student idea “Impose a ban on students using paraphernalia to reserve study space/booths over night” was passed through the council with 76 out of 96 voters strongly agreeing with the notion.


The response to this  one hour time limit seems to have been overwhelmingly positive. The lack of seats in the library and other study areas on campus has been a big issue for several years now.

VP for Education Bethany Jones had this to say: “The Library team is always keen to respond to student concerns and I’ve worked closely with the team to adapt their desk policy in response to student feedback. We will continue to monitor the situation, particularly in the run up to dissertation and exam periods.”