The Tab Exeter needs you

We want new writers


We got more than ten millions page views in November and you could help us get even more.

Tab writers have landed jobs at The Telegraph, Vogue, Vice, The Times, The Sun and more.

To have your stories read by thousands, sign up and become part of the team.


Anyone can sign up, no previous writing experience needed, we’ll even spell check so you don’t even know how to do that.

You can sign up to write if you have your own ideas or, even if you don’t, we always have a few lying around to get you started.

If you don’t believe us just listen to members of our current team.

Click here for more info and to create an account now.

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Abigail, a psychology fresher, said: “It’s really great to be a part of something so popular.”

“When you tell people they are like oh my God, it’s so cool, its not like writing for English class, it’s just saying what you want and in whatever way you feel like it.”

Who doesn’t love expressing themselves.

Writer and Biology second year Joe Cutterham said: “It’s quite fun to be honest.”

Vox Pop editor Rebecca Teahan said: “The Tab is a great thing to do at uni. It’s fun, social and looks really good on your CV.”

Fourth year Languages student and Tab writer Kathy Giddins said: “Writing for the Tab is extremely fun.”

“So far I’ve had the chance to interview drunk people at arena, experience the lemmy sober and pose for my own page 3.”

“As an aspiring journalist I really appreciate the experience the Tab is providing me with.”

“You’d be silly not to want to write for us.”

There you have it, you’d be silly not to sign up.

Click here for more info and to sign up now.