Triumphant Edinburgh Fives fresher returns – with NINE hockey club ties

They don’t call him Dan Ladd for nothing. They call him it because it’s his name

National noad

Some people say they’ve “been there, done that and got the t-shirt”.

18-year-old Dan Ladd lost fives, went to Edinburgh and got nine ties.

The first year hailed the “incredible” support he received, after arriving back into Exeter St Davids at 10.41pm with an array of gifts from uni hockey clubs nationwide.

Following the now-customary visit from Edinburgh’s hockey team at around 2.15pm (and a cheeky interview with our Tab compadrés up there), Dan was met by eight other clubs on his long journey south.

Representatives of Durham, Leeds, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam, Nottingham, Birmingham, St Paul’s (Gloucestershire) and Bristol hockey clubs all greeted him for 90-second stints at their respective stations, and gifted him food, stash, flowers, wine, club ties and, bizarrely, a rubber duck.

This morning, the Business and Management student told The Tab: “The support I received throughout the day from all the different unis and social media was incredible.

“It will be a experience that I will never forget, meeting some top lads along the way.

“Good luck to next years fresher who will take the agonisingly long trip to the Edinburgh boys and back to Exeter.”

The journey

Dan lost his “lovely game of fives” on Monday night at the hockey club Christmas dinner.

Exeter – 6.24am

Edinburgh – 2.10pm

Durham – 4.51pm

Leeds – 6.09pm

Sheffield – 6.52pm

Nottingham (at Derby) – 7.26pm

Birmingham – 8.07pm

Gloucestershire (St Paul’s) – 8.51pm

Bristol – 9.36pm

…and back again – 10.41pm