VOTE: Exeter’s Best Bums – The Gents

You’ve entered your exits…now check out each others’ rosy cheeks


Vote at the bottom…of the article.

Alright you cheeky chaps and chapettes.

We’ve gathered the pertest posteriors from far and wide, from the heights of Birks to the depths of Monks Road.

You dropped your trousers, boys. Here are six of the best.

Horace, 4th year Equality Journalism

Jethro, 3rd year Fjord Maintenance

Alfred, 4th year Nihilism

Keith, 4th year Redneck Sociology

Ranulph, 1st year Horse Whispering

Reggie, 4th year Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture

Tune back in tomorrow for the ladies…here’s a sneak preview: