How screwed am I?: Find out what mark you need to get a 2.1 with our degree calculator

You put in the figures, we’ll do the math(s)

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With our degree calculator, you can enter all of your marks from each year so far and then work out what you need in your remaining assignments to get that coveted 2.1. (Because firsts are for nerds.) It looks a bit village, but it works.

How to use

1. Enter the % each year is worth to your degree before entering the marks for that year.

2. Enter your mark for each module or paper in the left column, and the number of credits or % it is worth to that year in the next column.

3. Hit ‘calculate’ to get your final degree mark at the bottom.

A 2.1 is normally 60%, but if you don’t know what grade your mark is worth, you’ve probably already failed. Only kidding, good luck.