RAG does Jailbreak
Fancy a free weekend away Down Under? Now’s your chance: sign up to RAG’s Jailbreak
Exeter’s RAG is well-known for its successful hitchhikes to a number of exciting European cities (Paris and Berlin, to name a couple). Just last term, on their hitchhike to Amsterdam, they raised over £3,000 for Amnesty International.
But this term there’s a twist: Instead of talking your way into cars to get to a fixed destination, this time the aim is to get as far away as possible, meaning you could end up anywhere.
A group from the University of Warwick made it to Los Angeles in 2008, whilst the winners from 2012’s Cambridge Jailbreak made the journey to Singapore – a casual 6705 miles from their University’s town.
However, the most infamous tale must be that of the two male students who (allegedly) bagged a flight to Sydney from Sir Richard Branson. With the boys claiming they spent just £50 each on the whole trip, that’s not a bad weekend break, is it?
On February 28th, a mass of students will set off in groups of twos or threes from the Forum at 9am. They then have 30 hours exactly to get as great a distance between themselves and campus as possible.
And all of this will be carried out, of course, using no money. Instead, the groups must blag, persuade and plead for their travel – be that free trains, free flights or through the art of hitch-hiking.
Sign-ups for RAG does Jailbreak close this week, so make sure you get in quick. The sign-up fee is just £20, which includes a t-shirt, travel insurance, tracking system and support back in Exeter. There is also a minimum £100 raise fee for RAG’s nominated charities.
More information is available on the event’s Facebook page (click on image below):