The Great British Bolt Off

A historic moment: The Tab reveals the top five fastest bolters in Exeter.

Bolting Exeter The Great British Bolt Off the tab the tab exeter

A few weeks ago, The Tab challenged you all to beat Xander Seddon’s 3.4 second bolt.

Having received several entries, the response from you lash-loving students has been fantastic.

For timing, as one entry forgot to EG (shame on you), we simply measured how long it took to see it off.

Judging from the eye-widening footage below, some might you’ve turned bolting into an art form.

So, in reverse order:

5. Will Brookman: 3 seconds

Unfortunately, though it says two seconds in the video, Will incurs a one second penalty for spillage (and there was no lickage).

4. Xander Seddon: 2.9 seconds

Showing true dedication to the cause, Xander sunk another pint in the name of The Tab. 2.9 seconds: not bad – not bad at all.

3. Rory Sverikis: 2.8 seconds

We bent the rules slightly for Rory, a Walkabout employee. Officially timed at 2.3 seconds, he incurs a 0.5 penalty for a complete lack of EG.

2. Dom Lowe: 2.5 seconds

Doing the cricket boys proud, Dom Lowe can easily claim bragging rights for having one of the smoothest bolts around campus. Good tekkers, Dom.

1. Ben King: 1.7 seconds

With a name (and beard) to match his bolt, Ben King can rightfully call himself Exeter’s best bolter. Ben, The Tab applauds your performance.