Exeter Scientist Creates Cancer-Spotting App

Exeter scientist creates computer app to aid GPs in diagnosing cancer.

| UPDATED Dr. William Hamilton the tab the tab exeter

University of Exeter scientist Dr. Willie Hamilton has invented a computer app that can diagnose cancer earlier, potentially saving 300 lives a year.

Dr. Willie Hamilton

He says that the app, designed for GPs, “calculates the risk of cancer from the symptoms in their records, plus relevant blood tests.”

The newly developed app will then prompt the GP once the risk of any specific cancer is

Costing only £50 per surgery, this technique is not only cheaper but also helps doctors by “making them consider cancer when they may not otherwise have done so”.

The app is able to notice the vital early warning signs for six cancers, which have proven to be difficult to diagnose, including stomach, bowel, lungs, ovaries, oesophagus and pancreas.

The paper version was being used on around 1,200 patients in 160 different surgeries and has diagnosed 50 different cases of lung cancer.

However, researchers believe the new app has the potential to diagnose 2000-3000 cancers much more quickly.

When asked how he feels about his work having the potential to save hundreds of lives, he simply replied, “I’ll be honest: if we do that I’ll have a warm glow!”