Tim McNiven’s ‘Emasculated’ @ Exeter Phoenix

Want to know what a sex box is? Ever wondered what is the worst thing to say during sex? Tim McNiven has the answer . . .

Comedy Exeter Pheonix review tim mcniven

Exeter Phoenix Black Box, Thursday 15 November

After arriving in somewhat of a sad and contemplative mood I left the Black Box with a spring in my step and aching cheeks from laughing too much.

Essentially, Tim McNiven’s ‘Emasculated’ is a personal journey through Tim’s failed attempts at being a man, with particular reference to his lack of success in the bedroom. Despite a couple of obvious sex jokes like “Six inches is never enough” (which is begrudgingly quite hilarious in spite of its obviousness),  Tim tested our sense of humour and encouraged us to negotiate the limits of what is politically correct to laugh at.

Admittedly at times I felt ashamed of my own laughter. How could I laugh at a story which introduces a limping hedgehog but ends with “Hey, hedgehog boy, Do you fuck hedgehogs?”. That’s animal cruelty! I admit that may not be the best joke to illustrate my point, but, I can’t give away Tim’s golden nuggets of comedy genius in a review now can I?

Tim is a budding comedian at the beginning of his career and although at times nerves did surface he handled them with the air of a professional. Acknowledging his nervousness, he managed for the most part to spin his wobbles into comedy, so only the odd twitch was visible. Don’t let this put you off!

His slip-ups were actually endearing to watch, as it allowed the audience to empathise with the person on stage which in turn enhanced the humour –  particularly as the topic in question was so personal.

As the nights are drawing closer, the weather turning colder and everyone is getting altogether more miserable with impending end of term assessments ‘Emasculated’ provided the perfect hour of medicine to cheer you up and let you forget about it all. Instead, laugh at and pity Tim McNiven’s failures with women and embarrassment at a mother who traps him in a car and explains exactly how he was conceived.

He hit the nail on the head of university humour and I hope he continues to push his audiences to laugh at what is and isn’t acceptable to joke about.  Isn’t that what stand-up comedy is all about? That is, making public the jokes which we make in private, or in Tim’s case, making public what he’s done with his privates!

Apologies for that awful joke as you can tell I am not a comedian, however, Tim is! So head down to the Phoenix tonight and watch him laugh your socks off.

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