Ross Kemp On Lafrowda: It’s Battle of the Halls again!

The Tab introduces Original Sin’s annual class struggle.

Every year, there is a time for Exeter’s first years to make a choice: between standing up to defend the honour of their halls, or remaining silent and allowing their rivals to bludgeon them into obscurity.

That time is now: Original Sin’s annual Battle of the Halls takes place at Rococos next Thursday, and the Tab are ready as ever to give the call to arms.

Since the dawn of time itself (or at very least, since my first year), Original Sin have organised a photo competition giving freshers the opportunity to bare flesh, toy with innuendo and generally make their mark in the first of four rounds of the Battle of the Halls.

The pictures you see before you are examples from years past of how individuals assigned to random rooms in the same building formed an alliance to assert their authority over their fellow students.

For three consecutive years now, Exeter Halls have emerged triumphant in the contest, besting the likes of Mardon and Birks in events such as boat races and cream licking contests to take the trophy home.

So be you a scruffy Lafrowdan oik or a preened and posh Holland lass, get your entries for the photo contest on Facebook as soon as possible. Tag “Original Sin Exeter” and see your best efforts up on the Tab.

Your halls need you.