Meet Your Athletics Union President.
Beth Hampson talks AU, her favourite night out in Exeter and the perks of being the AU president.
Becoming the Athletic Union president is one of the most coveted sabbatical roles at the University. For anyone who participates in sport at Exeter, the AU president and the rest of the team will have been working diligently behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Going from a ‘full time student’ to full time work must be a shock to the senses, but there is only one place available for AU President and competition is rife. Several candidates apply for the post and it is a real test of character and persistence to become appointed as the decision is made entirely by the students. I met Beth and prepared a few questions just so our readers can find out more about what it takes to be the AU president.
Hi Beth, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Well, I’m originally from Oxford and I studied Psychology at undergraduate level.
What would you say are the best and worst parts of your job?
The best part of my job is how sociable it is as everyone wants to come to the AU office, also the event planning… I’m a bit of a nerd and love this sort of admin! Worst part…. probably the lack of time to do everything I want to do!
What sort of perks are there for being the AU president?
Perks of being AU president has to be the Gold Card and controlling the gold cards (although this can be annoying at times). Also all of the stash you get and being invited to all Christmas and End of Season dinners… gosh there are lots of perks!!!
Sorry to sound stupid, but what’s a Gold Card?
Oh yeah sorry! A gold card basically gets you queue jump and free entry to TimePiece every Wednesday! It’s pretty handy when it gets busy!
Do you have a particular career path in mind/ what’s the next step?
I would like to work for an NGB or charity (for instance Cancer Research in their evens particularly sports events department)
Any advice for candidates looking to campaign to be next year’s AU pres?
I would say get involved. Learn about the different sports, find out what people want to change and areas that can be improved.
What’s your favourite sport and why?
I have to stick with my main club for the last few years and say Netball
If you could change one thing about Exeter what would it be?
The hills
Are there any things about our University that really grinds your gears?
Queues on nights out…
And finally, would you consider yourself a BNOC? (Big Name On Campus)?
Haha, no definitely not!
Just a few quick-fire questions…
Duckes or Topsham? Duckes
Rugby or Football? Rugby
TP Wednesday or Arena Thursday? Always TP Wednesday
Streatham or St Lukes? Difficult one… but as I have always studied on Streatham, so should probably stick with my roots!
The Bop or the Lemmy? Used to be the BOP but since the Lemmy's refurbishment have to go with that!
Twitter or Facebook? Twitter
Lafrowda or Holland Hall? I don't have a preference. I will go with Northfield, my halls in first year!
The Drop or Exepose? Is it controversial if I say Exepose?
The Vic or the Ram? RAM – you have to love the curly chips!