We asked Edi students what the most money they’ve spent on a night out is

A night to remember or a night you don’t remember?

In my first week of university with no real concept of money, I enthusiastically offered everyone in eyesight Subway Venoms and woke up to a £76 charge on my bank account.

With that in mind, and partially because I was hoping to feel better about my own mistakes, we asked Edinburgh Uni students to tell us what the most they’ve spent on a night out is.

Did you in an alcohol-induced euphoria decide to be overly generous, or did you fork out for extortionate entry fees? Was it a night to remember or a night you don’t remember? And most importantly, do you regret it?

Here’s what you had to say:

‘Spent £250 in Gari’s buying everyone I met in the girls’ toilets shots’

Why can’t I ever meet people like this?

‘£137… at Big Cheese’

I didn’t know this was possible.

‘£100 on drinks I don’t remember buying’

I’d say we’ve all been there but…

‘£85, did not get drunk, got a hangover anyway. Not worth it’

I’m willing to bet this either was in Revs or All Bar One.

‘£150 at WhyNot, thought it was £1 for any shot. Clearly not’

Gotta check the fine print.

‘Spent £18 at ATIK, immediately regretted it and now I only go to Hive’

Well at least you learned from the experience. Say what you will about Hive, but it’s hard to spend a fortune in there.

‘£80 last Saturday and half was in Hive’

I stand corrected.

‘£18.50 just in Franco’s afterwards’

Definitely worth it. A true fine dining experience.

‘£96 on cocktails, on a friend zone date’

The definition of down bad.

‘£1800 at Rascals – totally worth it’

I really hope that’s a typo.

‘£200 purely buying rounds at Le Monde for a friend’s 21st’

We all need friends like you.

‘£130 in just Subway Social’

That’s a lot of venoms.

‘Had a one-night stand with a guy after a night out, spent £200 on a hotel’

Was it at least worth it?

‘£10 on some old men in Hive, big regrets’

 Please tell me they at least bought you one as well.

‘£115. Let’s just say I somehow bought an inflatable pool’

But how much of that was on the pool? Did you ever use it? Could you not return it? We need answers.

‘£900 at Flare Mondays. The best night out I’ve ever had’

Are you their social media manager or just extremely rich?

‘My friend spent £40 on Jägerbombs at Big Cheese (yes that is 20 Jägerbombs)’

I hope these were shared.

‘£150 at Three Sisters – on a Sunday’

Did you make it to class the next day?

‘£120 just on a cab – this was in London btw’

Be honest, how much of that was on the cleaning bill?

‘£40 at WhyNot, they ran out of cups so I had to get bottles’

I think you got scammed my friend.

‘£180 at Lulu’s the night of the MoStack concert, but got kicked out by 12’

Sounds like an eventful night.

‘Spent £12 on Sneaky Pete’s entry, never wasted this much money’

After running to an ATM to collect £24 cash for Gari’s last week, I feel your pain. Especially as I couldn’t stand more than five minutes in there.

‘£90 on £1 shots’

At least a stomach pump is free?

‘Here’s one against expectations – £0. Sober clubbing’

If you’re better than us, just say it.

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