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Revealed: The Edinburgh degrees that are most likely to leave you with a 2:2

Choose your degree wisely if you don’t want a Desmond

After the news that you're most likely to receive a first class degree if you study in the School of Mathematics, The Tab can also reveal which degrees are most likely to leave you with the dreaded Desmond – a 2:2.

The only school that awarded more than a quarter of its students with a 2:2 in the 2016/17 academic year was the Moray House School of Education, with 27 per cent of its students receiving 2:2s.

Elsewhere it seems that the students of King's Buildings were given a rougher ride than their Central counterparts with Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences students being the next most likely to leave Edinburgh with a 2:2.

At the other end of the table, students from the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures are the least likely to receive 2:2, with just 7.4 per cent of their students receiving one.

Divinity, Law and Social and Political Science students were the next least likely to be given a 2:2.