Image may contain: Performer, Musician, Musical Instrument, Guitarist, Guitar, Person, People, Human

Edinburgh ranked amongst the top ten musical cities in the world

Finally some credit for more than just the Proclaimers

Edinburgh has placed in the top ten musical cities in the world.

A study by found overall, Edinburgh has 248 venues and 407 gigs with an average capacity of 1,472.

While this seems astonishing, and proves Edi-babes must hit places other than Sneakies, it isn't much compared to Liverpool who had over 350 venues with an average capacity of 3,058.

Image may contain: Stage, Lighting, Suitcase, Luggage, Human, Person, People

Edinburgh based "milkd" at Mash House

It was also found that the cost of a gig in Edi will set you back 59p more than a gig in London – ouch.

According to Edinburgh Evening News, a spokesperson for the betting company wasn't one to hold back on the flattery, validating Edi's rightful place among other prominent cities such as Paris and Liverpool. argue that Edinburgh "has had a huge musical impact, not just in the UK, but globally."