The worst things about returning to Uni after the holiday

Which git left their food in the fridge?

When you return home after an exhaustingly long and stress-filled first semester, it doesn’t take long to get comfortable and switch back to your old ways.

All of the home comforts that you took for granted before university are hugely appreciated; not having to cook your own meals every day, not having to do all of your laundry, and things like having an array of clean towels at your fingertips.

It’s these small things that you can’t consistently deliver for yourself when at university, and you miss them all the more when you make your return after the holiday.

Be prepared for these problems when you get back to university to avoid disappointment.

The depressingly low thermostat

At home you’re warm and don’t have to have the worry about the burden of the dreaded utility bills hanging over you. You can turn the thermostat up to 24 and not physically sick and worried about money when doing so. But when you get back to uni, this fantasy life with the central heating on constant comes to a rapid and seriously cold end.

When the heating has been off for a couple of weeks in your flat, there is that damp and bitter atmosphere filling it that you simply can’t escape. This is one of the many things that will instantly make you miss being back home.

Lower than Flo Rida

The kitchen

After you have gotten over the ice cold temperature in your flat, you quickly realise you’re ‘starving’ after your long day of travelling carrying way too many bags. You want some food.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than opening your kitchen door to be greeted by the foul stench of the bin, that has been left full and not taken out by the last person to leave the flat before the break. It’s full of December’s leftovers that have been sat there in their own filth for the good part of a month and you can only be filled with a mix of anger and repulsion as you try not to puke your guts up and only add to the revolting scent.

It gets worse though. You’ve taken the bin out and got that out of the way, but then when you get to the fridge you find more food, way past its sell-by date, festering in mould and the cucumbers look more like a Frube than anything else. Clean up on aisle 5.

Why are my cupboards so empty?

Your fridge is empty, it’s hideously cold outside and you are trying to scrape together a low quality meal until you can be bothered to go and stock up on food the next morning. You can bank on the fact that whatever you cook yourself, it’ll only be half as good as the meals you had cooked for you when you were back at home.

Well, that’s dinner then…

Oh, the dust

Your flat is in need of a serious clean up. You tried your best to leave it as pleasant and clean as you could done before rushing off home, but there is nothing you can do about the amount of dust that gathers in every room. The bathroom is the worst for it, and if you are the first one back then the list of chores are endless.

When you realise how messy your flat can get with nobody being there, you then notice how clean your house back home is and sit there in your cold room, eating your bland tea thinking back to how your cucumbers at home are hard and not similar in texture to yoghurts.

I am cold, homesick and hungry and my flat stinks of rotten food.

You miss your pets

If you could take your pets to uni, then you definitely would. When you get back to your flat, you can’t help but miss your milky furry friends and the only thing that is furry in your flat is the loaf of bread that had been left out on the side to go mouldy over the holiday.