FemSoc held a protest against Roosh V on Grassmarket

Over 100 people turned up to the protest on Saturday night

On Saturday evening members of Edinburgh University’s Feminist Society, as well as members of Amnesty International and the Labour society, met in Grassmarket to protest American pick-up artist and rape advocate Roosh V.

Earlier this week, Roosh called for a cancellation of all his meetings in the UK because he could “no longer guarantee the safety of the men who attended.” The protest had a great turnout, with over 100 people attending.

First year Labour Society member, Olly Marsters, said “Too often women are intimidated into silence and we must prevent this from happening so women are free to fight for their freedom from oppression. Onwards and upwards in the fight against rape culture and the patriarchy.”

While Roosh’s meetings have been cancelled, the event was trying to highlight the struggle against rape culture, as well as promoting knowledge of what counts as consent.

Georgina Harris, of the Edinburgh University Feminist Society, referred to the now-cancelled event as “awful” – calling the protest wholly necessary “to stand up to this sexist, misogynistic and homophobic group and to show that we can’t be intimidated.”

The petition to ban Roosh V from the UK now has over 58,000 signatures.