Police breathalyse freshers outside JMCC

But they were also giving them vodka

Police officers were handing out shots of vodka in Pollock Halls and then breathlysing them on Monday night.

But this wasn’t some twisted plan to incriminate freshers – it was part of an alcohol awareness campaign.

How drunk do you have to be to get through JMCC?

Seemingly this was to coincide with the new drink driving limit that the government has set in Scotland.

PS Crystal Jessop said: “We continue to work closely with our partner, the University of Edinburgh, and our attendance at Pollock Halls aims to increase awareness of the effects of excessive alcohol consumption among students and promote responsible drinking.” “We really enjoyed meeting the students and hope they found our advice helpful”.

Or maybe it was something to do with all the vomit stains that can be seen all around Pollock Halls.