Underwhelming Strike follows Dramatic Student Protest

Extremely mediocre strike follows dramatic, student occupation yesterday.

  • 40 Edinburgh students storm finance office in dispute over staff pay.
  • Protesters included EUSA Vice-President, Kirtsy Haigh.
  • Poor turn out of staff strikers this morning.

After the dramatic storming of the Uni’s finance office yesterday by 40 students, the staff strike fails to make the same effort today. After yesterday’s giant panda, we were expecting something big. So far today, we’ve only had this rather mediocre collection of strikers.


NUS Scotland mentioned yesterday in their statement about the protest antics, that “…University staff are set to go on strike tomorrow (Tuesday) in a dispute over pay following a 4 year pay freeze, amounting to a 15% pay cut in real terms.”

Kirsty Haigh, EUSA Vice-President, has full backed the strike, saying University staff have had a real term pay cut of 15% and this is not acceptable. While the Principal earns £227,000 staff have been forced out on strike to demand the wage they deserve. We demand that the University listens to the trade unions and increases staff pay.”

A couple more protesters seen making the effort this morning.

So where is everyone? If you are looking for some solid procrastination in the library, pop outside and give them a hand.

Update will follow.