Pole Dancing Banned

Swansea Uni have banned pole fitness society, and Edinburgh’s own pole dancers are not happy.

Swansea University Student’s Union (SUSU) have banned pole dancing classes, and Edinburgh’s own Pole Dancing Society are in an uproar.

The Union board at Swansea are quoted as saying that “Pole fitness and pole dancing are a direct spin off from lap dancing.”, according to The Waterfront student paper, and added it objectified women and encouraged ‘Raunch Culture”.

Pole dancing and fitness communites in Swansea and also here in Edinburgh are outraged. Edinburgh’s president, Ailbhe Turley, told The Tab

This decision is going to be reversed! They have insulted and angered a whole community of strong minded intelligent athletes and dancers who aren’t going to take such archaic discrimination sitting down.”

That’s no lap dancing.

In a letter in response to this decision, she also commented that:

“You are taking away from these students a basic freedom of choice. As a modern day supporter of equal rights and equal opportunities, I am disgusted that anyone thinks that they have the right to dictate to someone in such a fashion.”

Another member of Edinburgh’s Pole Dancing Society, Kate Harrison, has also written to SUSU accusing them of plaguing the pole fitness community with “misconceptions, prejudices and judgements, all of which are false.”

Adding that “Because some people use a pole as a prop in strip clubs? Some professional footballers out there have been accused of rape, yet you still have a football society.”