EUSA Welfare Debate: Feminists vs Lads
This kind of stuff writes itself.
On a Monday at Teviot, a few hundred students gathered to pass motions on two very hot topics: abortion, and sexual violence vs lad culture. The waiting area outside the room was packed, and while there, I was taken aback by the generally unpleasant smell. As the crowd was quite mixed, I couldn’t tell if it was from the feminists who refuse to shower or the drunk lads that pissed themselves the night before. As we filed in, there was another question – who holds the door at a feminist debate? Do guys? Girls? Should I just let it hit the girl behind me in the name of equality? It’s all so confusing.
Anyway, the first motion, on the extremely divisive issue of abortion, was passed, meaning the entire University now publicly adopts (no pun intended) a very liberal position on the matter. Avoiding a pro-choice vs. pro-life debate, as they both have merits, I will comment on this EUSA system. There are serious flaws when a small meeting of three hundred students spend an hour on decisions that will now represent 30,000+ students for years to come. What unfortunately happens is not democracy, but small groups of politically motivated students having a disproportional impact.
The second motion was to stop sexual violence and ‘lad-promoted rape culture’, using a painfully vague labelling of ‘lad banter’. The amusing irony, apparently lost on the feminists, was that whilst they campaign against ‘myths and stereotypes’ regarding sexual violence, they simultaneously perpetuated a myth by stereotyping lads, a culture which most of them are blatantly unfamiliar.
A telling sign of this lack of understanding happened when a proposer read out a, albeit over-the-top, bit from UniLad in disgust: ‘85% of sexual assaults don’t get reported…sounds like good odds’. Interestingly enough, the GIRLS in front of me started uncontrollably giggling. They got the joke, which actually makes fun of rapists and their disturbing and backwards thought processes’. Instead, the proposers added this to their long list of ill-informed generalisations between lads and sexual violence, which is now solidified as part of our University policy. Awesome.
It’s actually a shame, because for the most part, the second motion was fantastic, pushing for safer club standards and more help and awareness on the issue. It’s too bad the same motion is linked to such ignorance, naivety, and, arguably, even reverse sexism.
On a lighter note, the Tab interviewed attendees to find out ‘Most Inappropriate Background Music for an Abortion and Sexual Violence Debate’ and here’s the top 3:
- Papa Don’t Preach by Madonna
- Sexy Bitch by David Guetta featuring Akon
- Anything by Chris Brown