Wood You Rather? – Meet the Collingwood Charity Fashion Show Models
Like DUCFS but far less classy
In peak fashion show season Collingwood Charity Fashion Show were feeling left out amidst all the other colleges’ publicity so we think it’s only fair to give them the spotlight they desire.
It’s the time of the year for the college’s athletic reputation to really shine as the models take to the catwalk on Sunday 17th February at Players.
All donations raised will go to Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), an organisation which the college has held a close relationship with ever since the passing of former CCFS model Sara Pilkington.
Here’s a sneak peek at the faces and personalities that’ll be gracing the stage.
Lucy Price, Second Year, Marketing & Management
How would you characterise your modelling style?
It depends who you ask. My mum says I walk like an Angel, but my mates say it looks like I've shat myself. The people can decide.
Do you like any other type of modelling like clay or Airfix kits?
I actually used to collect Airfix models and line them up on my shelf until my mum told me I had to throw them away because my obsession was weird.
Which model do you think will smash it most at the show?
Definitely Mkuzo Kuwani. He can be smiley, he can be serious and he has a dreamy accent – what more do you need?
Cooplands or Greggs?
I don't think we have Cooplands down South, what is it?
Jordan Willis, First Year, Business
How does how does it make you feel to know that you would've been rejected from an Oxbridge college's fashion show?
What's Oxbridge?
Tell me why a No Deal Brexit is an opportunity for the country to shake off its shackles
Deal or No Deal, Brexit means Brexit.
Who do you think would win in a Chancellors' fight between Bill Bryson and Sir Thomas Allen?
Sorry, I don't follow boxing
Which is your favourite library floor?
Whichever level gets me the most Tindurs
Niall Flanagan, Fourth Year, Engineering
Does it sadden you that Ian Beale has just become a meme when in fact he’s in fact one of the finest soap actors of our generation?
Was that the guy who played Tracey beaker?
Tell me why a No Deal Brexit is an opportunity for the country to shake off its shackles
Not really a Breakfast guy, more of a Brunch man.
How does it feel to know that you would’ve been rejected from an Oxbridge college's fashion show?
Wouldn’t care. Certainly wouldn’t carry it as a monumental chip on the
shoulder for the rest of my life, no way. Yeah, definitely would not care,
no sir.
Which is your favourite library floor?
The bathroom floor – really smooth.
Who's your dream date and why?
Ian Beale, would love to know what it was like to play Tracey Beaker!
Yuval Ellenbogen, Third Year, PPE
How would you characterise your modelling style?
40% Derek Zoolander, 26% Simon from the Inbetweeners, 34% You Don’t Mess With The Zohan.
Do you like any other type of modelling?
Not modelling per se but I have recently gotten into pottery painting with my girlfriend.
Does it sadden you that Ian Beale has just become a meme when in fact he’s one of the finest soap actors of our generation?
Ian Beale is actually a character, not an actor.
Which is your favourite library floor?
4th because I'm an Arsenal fan.
Who's your dream date?
Annie Halhead because if I said anyone else I would be dead.
Serena Bassi, Third Year, Psychology
Which model will smash it most at the show?
Has to be Freddie Barnes and his newly established rig. Proud of you.
Cooplands or Greggs?
N/A I'm from the south
Who’s the worst model at the fashion show?
Shout out to the biggest try hard I know, Katie Lister.
Who's your dream date and why?
Ronald McDonald so we can eat endless chicken nuggets together.
Jamie Adamson, First Year, Economics
How would you characterise your modelling style?
Sometimes good, sometimes bad but never ugly.
Do you like any other type of modelling?
Just naked modelling.
Who'll be the worst model at the show?
Jack Staley. He's just a BTEC Niall.
Cooplands or Greggs?
Katie Lister
How would you characterise your modelling style?
Sassy af.
Who will win the Oscar for best actress?
Theresa May.
Cooplands or Greggs?
Am Northern. Greggs.
When I say 'college fashion shows' what's the first thing that comes to mind?
Nicole Ayesha Hughes. Nothing but respect for MY president.
Lily Pope, Fourth Year, History & Politics
Who'll be the worst model at the show?
None, I chose them.
Which is your favourite library floor?
My library boyfriend and I convene on Level 3
Tell me why a No Deal Brexit is an opportunity for the country to shake off its shackles
We'll finally be able to run freely in our fields of wheat.
When I say 'college fashion shows' what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
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