Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Nominations are now open for Durham’s Fittest Freshers 2017/2018

Who have you been sharking?

Has someone been turning heads in your college dining hall?

Have they been making your heart flutter when they evaluate a theory in your tutorial?

Has someone’s striking aesthetic made you nearly trip up on the cobbled streets of the Bailey?

Ah yes, we understand, now it’s time to name them!

Fill out this form in order to nominate yourself or someone else:

While we’re at it, here’s a throwback to the winners of last year:


Jules, St Mary’s, Law

Image may contain: Town, Street, Road, Alleyway, Alley, Person, People, Human

Jules won an impressive 53 per cent of the vote.

When asked about her big win, Jules said: “I’d like to thank my parents and my fans. Also, do I get free pizza for this?”


Ali, Collingwood, Theology

Image may contain: Tartan, Skirt, Kilt, Clothing, Human, Person, People

Ali got 31 per cent of the votes.

When asked about his big win Ali said he was “quite surprised” but “obviously honoured”.

Could it be you this year?