Future Edinburgh Rehearsals Social Ideas: The Crossgate Barcrawl

The Tab investigates the bar crawl you didn’t know existed.


Yet another Facebook notification for a whole college bar crawl. Whose idea was it that walking for longer than you’re drinking made for a good night out?

When you’re living out, you want a complete change from college life. New house, new habits…and that means a new bar crawl.

Boys: present

This idea started off as a double date, but it wasn’t long before we realised what we had created.

Ladies and Gents: The Livers Out Bar Crawl.

Girls: present. Let’s go

1. Colpitts

Great angle

Starting at the end of Hawthorn, this was a convenient first stop for our night of frivolity. The atmosphere is quiet but friendly, allowing you to break the ice and have a catch up, before getting down to the serious business of drinking.

Drink: A pint, or three, depending on how much the ice needs breaking.

2. Ye Old Elm Tree

Time to think

Arguably our favourite on the crawl, this pub met us with live music and quick witted chat from the barman. A fine selection of whiskeys, allowing you time and space to reflect on the ambiance.

Drink: Whiskey for the lads, gin for the gals.

Ran out of pint glasses: classic.

3. Angel Inn


Going up a gear, this heavy metal bar often offers live music (I’ve heard it from outside, ‘music’ is stretching it a bit). Fortunately, there were no bands on the night we had chosen, so we just had shots and left.

Drink: Vodka shots, no mixers, or one of the finely named drinks below.


4. Durham Working Mens Club

Modern day sexism

As we rushed in at 5 to 11 to ask if they were still serving, we were met by stern faces but grave acceptance. The liveliest of pubs this is not, so it’s just enough to bring you down from the heady ecstasy of the Angel.

There is also no music, so every silence is literal silence, which brought significant tension to proceedings.

Drink: Pint of bitter. Take your time with it and bathe in the tense atmosphere.

Trouble in paradise. Note regular clients in background

5. Fighting Cocks

Alright, confession time, we started too late to get to the Fighting Cocks before closing time, so we just took a picture outside. Therefore, proceed with caution, but if it’s open, it’s a no brainer.

Drink: WKD, to be consumed from the bottle.

Witty and original, right?

6. Spoons

Thoroughly entertained

The last pit stop before you predictably head off to Loft, this should be just enough to get you ready to club. Sit back, congratulate each other on a bar crawl completed, perhaps even make friends with a local.

Drink: Pint of their cheapest guest ale. Go on, you deserve it.

Still sober