The DCFS’13/14 Exec is…..

The great minds behind the greatest show in Durham

dcfs durham charity fashion show exec fashion

After hours of reading and re-reading and after much deliberation Harriet and I finally made what seemed like an impossible choice. We had whittled down the applications for next year’s DCFS exec to a final 12.

Both of us have been truly overwhelmed, not only by the quantity of applications (20 in the last 24hours alone) but also by the quality of the applicants. Harriet even mentioned that this year’s competition was so fierce, that had she been applying she probably wouldn’t have made the cut! Such was the talent pool and my despair at having to reject potentially great candidates that I was close to suggesting we pull names out of a hat! A massive thank you to all those who applied is in order, we really were VERY impressed and hope that you will still get involved with the show at a later date.

The sheer popularity of applications is a testament to the amazing job done by Harriet and her team. I am confident that we have selected a group of dedicated, outgoing individuals who are willing to go above and beyond to build on their fantastic achievement and the pressure is now on to live up to an incredible standard.

So here is a virtual round of applause to last year’s exec and it is with great pleasure that I introduce their successors.

President: Ella Gould

Vice President: Hattie Griffith

VIP and Front of House: Lucinda Moore

Creative Director: Lucy Lovett

Sponsorship: Knick Welsh

Treasurer: Clare Vivian

Auction and Raffle: Katy Roxburgh
Fashion Coordinator: Bianca Morris

PR and Advertising: Vilde Lien

PR and Advertising: Anouchka Granon

Social Media: Francesca Haszard

Events: Jasmine Rahman




Huge congratulations to the new team! Hattie and I cannot wait to start working with you all and look forward to hearing more of your ideas!