Itchy Feet arrives in Durham

Itchy Feet? The remedy is dancing your shoes off at Market Vaults tonight! Or fungal powder if it remains serious.

‘Itchy feet’ – we know what you’re thinking – surely that can be cleared up with a little fungal powder? Well, the team at Itchy feet think that actually what it needs is a bit of dancing…

Although the main associations with the 1950’s could perhaps be rationing, casual sexism, class divide, Mad Men, racial discrimination, the Suez war, the Cold War beginning in earnest and hysteria about communism – give any period of history enough time and forget about it all and dance! The RnB music that Itchy Feet plays is genuinely exciting, and weirdly novel even though it is old enough to belong to our parents.

Before Itchy feet, no one had thought to play these music genres to people born 20 years ago, least of all to a younger generation. The idea was new, but it worked and is now more popular now than they ever imagined. This has allowed the team to set up franchises all over the country and expand.

The music policy at Itchy Feet separates it from generic club nights. Thereʼll be no R&B, techno or cheese but nor will you hear 3 straight hours of blues. As well as having a mixture of brilliant and entertaining live acts, their DJs play a finely tuned mix of genres keeping Itchy Feet unique and at the top of the game.

They aim to make the parties feel as much like clubbing in the 1950s as possible from the print, plain black and white flyers, typewriter font, the venues and even the dress code- 50ʼs attire is encouraged and applauded. Casual sexism, racism and hysteria about communism is frowned upon.

The popularity of Itchy Feet has created something of a craze and a re-evaluation of what is “a good night out”. Itchy Feet houses the best of rock n roll, jump blues and swing and guarantees you a great night. It brings 1950’s music to a 21st century crowd- and girls, boys, communists and people from Suez are more than welcome to join in.

Going to Itchy Feet is a decision which you will not regret…. Get dancing!

Where: Market Vaults

When: Thursday 25th October, 10.30pm-2am

How Much: £6 tickets can be bought outside Elvet Riverside