Try this, Felix!

Northumbria student skydiver cheats death and outshines Red Bull Stratos jump after his parachute fails

accident skydiver student skydiver

A skydiving Northumbria student cheated death when BOTH his parachutes failed to open – then headed out on the Carnage bar crawl.

In a jump more dramatic than Felix Baumgartner’s world record effort, 18-year-old Liam Byrne plunged into a tree from 3,200ft.

The English Lit fresher survived when the branches broke his fall – narrowly missing a churchyard and a 5ft high spiked metal fence.

Narrow escape..Liam before his jump

He was left suspended 50ft above the ground until the fire brigade arrived to rescue him.

In an interview with The Tab, Liam spoke of how he had little choice “but to remain calm as he spiralled out of control” whist making his descent. As he fell through the air he conducted the emergency procedure he had been taught.

He said: “It was a bit scary. I just made sure I grabbed onto the tree to stabilize myself so I was safe until someone came and found me.”

The 18-year-old was comforted by his jump supervisor and remained calm until the fire brigade rescued him from his position over half an hour later. Such was his luck that he was able to walk down the ladder by himself with only a “few scrapes on the arm”

Despite the ordeal Liam still managed to make it out on The Newcastle Carnage bar crawl to let off some steam afterwards but admitted tonight’s Northumbria University Trainee Skydivers (NUTS) society outing will be the real celebration.

Liam fell 3,200ft without a parachute

When asked whether the experience has put him off the adrenaline sport, Liam’s reply was simple: “No, not at all. Its not like anything more could go wrong!”

His plan appears to attempt another jump later this week or at the weekend but did admit that he “would have to see how he feels at the time” before going through with it!