Love is a drug

KIM LE GEYT looks at the dos and don’ts of the text…

text Youtube

With ‘V’ day having recently passed, the fact that you’re single and alone is firmly embedded in your mind. We get it – you’re desperate.

One lass, however, has taken ‘girl-crazy’ to another level. During a hundred-or-so text barrage to a guy called Kevin, JJ has very coherently illustrated #whatnottodo. Check out the video.

So girls [and guys], when you’re next desperately keen to send an embarrassingly pleading drunken text to a former squeeze, remember these 10 Commandments:

1 – Do not send more than 1 text. Just don’t do it.

2 – Do not let them know you care – he doesn’t care that it’s made you cry.

3 – Do not admit that you are “messed up”. How is that at all attractive?

4 – Do not send fake texts, implying it was for someone else.

5 – If you slip up on Number 4, never admit to it.

6 – Do not go to his house to explain yourself if he doesn’t reply to your texts.

7 – Do not wait for him at his house.

8 – Do not tell him how you want to reenact a romantic movie scene, even if it’s from the Notebook.

9 – Do not bring up their ex. And their breakup.

10 – If you really cannot fight the text-trigger finger consider getting rid of your phone, or just never showing your face in public again.

Chances are, if you text a guy/girl, and they don’t respond – he’s probably just not that into you.

Have some self-respect and go pick up a randomer in Klute.