Cathays Anatomy: My experience at the Healthcare Drama Soc’s latest show

Who said Medic’s aren’t multi-talented?

The Healthcare Drama Society recently put on the premiere of their show ‘Cathays Anatomy’. Featuring a range of musical theatre genres from Broadway to tap-dancing, this production was a celebration of the musical and artistic talents of the cast, band, and backstage crew.

The production was an entertaining musical and theatrical experience, covering several moral lessons within the guise of a medical drama. From two doctors desiring fame to the courtroom drama and confessions of guilt, here’s why I loved the experience:


The music set sucked me into the plot

The music in Cathays Anatomy ranges from parodies of songs from Les Miserables and Hamilton to Olivia Rodrigo, because who doesn’t like seeing a predatory lawyer being humiliated to the sound of ‘Good For You’.

The band excelled in using a combination of acoustic and electric instruments and they sounded amazing. The music teams enabled the actors to shine, nor did it let my attention waver.


They did justice to the costumes

The lighting and the swift scene changes were on point, but team deserved a special award for the bush costume for the undercover GMB agent.

Method acting? I’m here for it

One of the highlights for me was the serial killer whose presenting style involved a little too much method acting. The whole cast kept their act on at all times but the GMB presentation and the general attitude of the doctors towards the organisation, and the first-year medic who thinks they’re Superman caught my eye.


But on a philosophical end note, the story was a reminder that ultimately you don’t need to be top of your class and someone has to come last. For me, it culminates in an important theme of prioritising the maintenance of your own happiness rather than completely surrendering yourself to being a cog in a system that may leave you broken.

Healthcare Drama Society, I look forward to your next show.

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