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You can now work out if your vote will count more at Uni or at home

It’s a difficult decision to make

With the general election coming up in conversations everywhere, it's another time to grab your pen and head to the ballot box.

However, it's not always simple being a student voter. Being able to register at two addresses but only vote at one is a difficult decision to make. Of course, you always want your vote to count towards something so where to place it?

You can now work out whether it's worth more to vote at home or at uni with The Guardian's voting tool. You simply input your university postcode, followed by your home postcode and the tool will generate electoral statistics and history of the constituencies.

From this information, you can better decide whether your vote will make more of an impact at home or at uni.

The deadline to vote online is 26th November at midnight. Despite the confusion, being registered to vote is extremely important and a great privilege.

Feature image via Cardiff University Students' Union Facebook page.