We asked other Universities what they REALLY think of Cardiff Uni students
‘Doesn’t it have a castle?’
Boys and girls of Cardiff, we finally have the opinions of what other UK students really think about our precious Cardiff Uni. They may upset you, they may frustrate you and they may even anger you, but these are the honest opinions others have on us. So let's have it.
Let's start off in Scotland, a land who hates England nearly as much as Wales.
University of Edinburgh
"My friends at Cardiff seem like they would genuinely live and die for Cardiff? It’s so weird, they have this passion and adoration for it that I haven’t seen even mildly reciprocated at any other uni? It’s kinda sweet, kinda creepy"
What, wait? Do students at Edinburgh not live and die for their uni? A little odd…
"I feel like when the six nations comes around everyone magically becomes Welsh even though they're from southern England? Suddenly everyone eats, sleeps and breathes leeks and daffodils."
Now this one is our personal favourite. It's a personal attack by we love it. I mean, there's no other way to do the Six Nations than with a daff on your head and a pint in one hand and a leek in the other, right??
"Heard there is a mad SU and it's odd that people actually go to it because at other unis people don't go out to their SU."
Trust us when we speak on behalf of Cardiff students that Saturdays would NOT be the same without JUICE.
Newcastle University
"I have heard they have a pretty mad varsity which I'm really jealous of because we don't have one"
Imagine not taking your shoes off for the uni you hate.
"Their accommodation is shit'"
We don't really have a leg to stand on with this one.
University College London
"Cardiff actually need to stop gassing up how much they can drink. It's SO dead."
Okay UCL, we'd like to see you down 10 orange VKs in 8 minutes.
"Bristol rejects'"
Welllllll, we're not entirely sure what to say in our defence.
University of Birmingham
"Cardiff has the best SU … or a really good one"
It's the BEST, thanks Brum.
"Didn't even consider it because it's too far away – it's actually in a different country."
Ummmm, it's only a 2 hour journey? Let's hope this student doesn't study geography. Oh wait, that's just colouring in.
"Doesn't it have a castle?"
Now this person is well-cultured. Yes we do and it's absolutely beautiful.
Coventry University
"We feel like Cardiff uni has like strong party vibes, probably a solid night out"
To be fair, with the likes of Liveys, Clwb and Pulse, there's a party anywhere in Diff.
"Basically owns Wales in terms of unis like we all associate Wales with Cardiff uni"
We couldn't have said it better ourselves, sorry Swansea…
Swansea University
"The calibre of students varies wildly from great to should be locked up"
That's very rich coming from Swansea students, if we do say so ourselves.
"It's a really good uni, but absolutely no where near as good as the pedestal that Cardiff uni students put it on. It is literally only a few places above Swansea in the league table rankings; its on its way down whereas Swansea is on its way up."
I just smell a lot of jealousy. I mean, Cardiff was your first choice, right?
"Swansea is a better night out, hands down."
We can guarantee you haven't been to Live Lounge.
"In almost every way possible, Cardiff is just not Swansea – Cardiff is to university what Justin Bieber did to good music. Cardiff students are as likeable as a shit after a spicy curry.'
You can't deny the creativity in this one.
"One of the great disappointments of history is that WWII ended before the Germans properly flattened Cardiff."
Swansea students clearly haven't heard of the Swansea Blitz (there's a reason they targeted you, and it's because of your shitty green Uni).
It's mixed and varied but there you have it, the official opinions of what other Universities think of our beloved Cardiff uni.