Image may contain: Crowd, Party, Person, People, Human

YOLO is getting renamed, so you can vote for the return of The Lash

Gutted that ‘Clubby McClubface’ isn’t an option

Cardiff Students’ Union is looking to rebrand their Wednesday club night, currently YOLO, and they’re taking votes on the new name.

A poll shared on the CUSU official Facebook page lists two potential new names: “Glo” and “Lit”, as well as the option to retain the name YOLO or, in a move that’s sure to bring some excitement to older students, a return to The Lash.

Image may contain: Poster, Party, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

Initial reactions to these new options seem hesitant at best. Grace, a 2nd year Philosophy and Economics student, said “I think it’s shameful that Lit and Glo are even options and I won’t go back if either of those names gets voted for”.

Feedback on the post shared on Facebook is similarly bleak, with students expressing displeasure at the prospective names.

You can vote here.