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We found out which Cardiff clubs are open tonight, if you fancy braving the snow

Some people don’t know the definition of a snow day

If you’re a dedicated drinker and braving the Beast from the East, here’s everything you need to know about what clubs are open tonight in Cardiff.


Open: 10pm

Smack! Fridays are scheduled as planned.

Live Lounge

For the free entry, cheesy banger lovers out there, Live Lounge is open as usual:

Happy Hour is on from 2:30pm, there's Live Music between 12pm-12am and the DJ will be playing you into the early hours until 4am.

Tiger Tiger

Open: 10pm

Let’s face it, Tiger Tiger is an aquired taste, but if you’re absolutely shit faced and can’t bring yourself to brave the chilly queues of Pryzm, Tiger Tiger is open tonight with Tic Toc Live presents J-Fresh.


Open: 3am

Fancy a night with the MET boys? FADE: R&B Night is on.


Open: Now

Check Facebook for updates.


If you can face walking to what feels like the other side of the world, Walkabout is still open for all your alcoholic needs.

Open: 11pm


And for the sweetest announcement you will hear, Juice is still running on Saturday. Nothing will stop that VK debt.

Stay safe out there tonight, lads and lasses. It's going to be a chilly one.