work experience

Unpaid Internships: Fantastic Opportunity or Indentured Servitude?

The rise in unpaid internships is forcing students to pay to do unpaid menial work simply in order to get enough CV points to get a Real Job, argues CHLOE COLEMAN.

Diary of a 3rd Year: From the Fray

More musing in the depths of a finalist’s exam term from KATIE MAIR.

Simon Norman

Is SIMON NORMAN a man yet? Judging by his failure to find a proper job, he’s probably not.

500 Unpaid Days Of Summer

Unpaid internships offer students the chance to really explore the area of work that they want to enter, without being blinded by a five-figure salary.

The Real Elite: Unpaid Interns

Would you pay £3,000 for 2 weeks of unpaid work experience? Working for free has suddenly got alot more expensive, says ELLIE PITHERS.

Junior Apprentice: The Real Deal

JACK NUGENT looks at the effect that ‘Junior Apprentice’ is having on work experience placements.