Van of Life

Reflections on Cambridge after a year abroad

When people ask me how my year abroad in Japan went, I usually say “it was interesting”.

Town versus Gown: The Tragic Love Story

And you thought there was just one Cambridge bubble

Taking your Best Bums photo: The Ultimate Guide

Or, how many arse-related puns can I crack in one article?

Le Guide Chipelin: Who makes the best chips in Cambridge?

Have you ever wondered what the best chips in Cambridge are? Night-food connoisseur, native to the land of the deep-fried Snickers, found out for you.

How to enjoy a Sunday night out in Cambridge

It can be done

You’re fat, get over it

You might be fat, but your real problem is you’re a moron.

Tabony Aunt: Issue the First

Think you’ve got problems?

The Van of Life: A Life Story


Tab Fashion: Lydia + Josh

Simi and Sophia return with a casual vibe for a hectic term.

Pair prosecuted for drunken attack outside Trailer of Life

Two teenagers have pleaded guilty to injuring three Cambridge students and three members of the public last November.

Tab Tries: Street Food

HANNAH GRAHAM brings you her Top Five Street Food Finds

The Tab Meets: Hasan from Gardies

BETH SWORDS talks to Hasan from Gardies on the social role of McDonald’s, the anticlimax of life and his hatred of meat. It’s very profound.

Caius Cans Pasty Plans

The West Cornish Pasty Company try, and fail, to join the unholy trinity of Life, Death and Gardies.

The Dawn of the Quarterlife Crisis

Think your Glory Years are on their way? Think again.

Cambridge Characters: Uncle Frank

This week’s Cambridge character quite possibly revived you from near death with a fistfull of chips and a can of cold Rio just last week. LAURA GRAYLING and POPPY MORRIS speak to the infamous Uncle Frank…

Tab Tries: Danger Cindies

Cindies outside of term time? SASKIA GOLDMAN ventures into the unknown…

Cheaper Than Chips: Post-Cindies Snacks

Strapped for cash but craving post-clubbing carbs? LEAF ARBUTHNOT shows you how to create your own versions of the late-night classics mainly using cheese and microwaves. Cheap, mad, and tasty (apparently).

How To Cure A Hangover

Hungover? Fear not. RUBY CONGJIANG WANG and her team of human guinea pigs are here to help.

Cam Restaurant Gets Two Michelin Stars

Cambridge restaurant Midsummer House has become one of only 16 restaurants in the UK to retain two Michelin stars.

The Graduate Lunch

TAKE ME OUT: Spend your parents’ money and celebrate your degree with The Tab’s restaurant guide.