Van of Death

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Tab Tries: Van of Death

Quite literally risking my life in the name of journalism…

Le Guide Chipelin: Who makes the best chips in Cambridge?

Have you ever wondered what the best chips in Cambridge are? Night-food connoisseur, native to the land of the deep-fried Snickers, found out for you.

The Van of Death: a journey into the afterlife

With a side of ketchup.

The Tab’s Top Swap Spots

If you’re gonna do it, do it right, says LAUREN CHAPLIN, who gives us the low-down on Cambridge’s best swap locations.

Cambridge Characters: Uncle Frank

This week’s Cambridge character quite possibly revived you from near death with a fistfull of chips and a can of cold Rio just last week. LAURA GRAYLING and POPPY MORRIS speak to the infamous Uncle Frank…

Cheaper Than Chips: Post-Cindies Snacks

Strapped for cash but craving post-clubbing carbs? LEAF ARBUTHNOT shows you how to create your own versions of the late-night classics mainly using cheese and microwaves. Cheap, mad, and tasty (apparently).

How To Cure A Hangover

Hungover? Fear not. RUBY CONGJIANG WANG and her team of human guinea pigs are here to help.

Cambridge Urban Dictionary

Cambridge is a weird place, so we’ve come up with some new words to help you describe the madness that is C-town.

The Graduate Lunch

TAKE ME OUT: Spend your parents’ money and celebrate your degree with The Tab’s restaurant guide.

Big Night Out

It’s death-defying, it’s illegal, and it’s happening at a college near you. ELLIE PITHERS meets a Night Climber.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Five

Charlie Brooker – hot stuff. Other people – not-so-hot stuff.

In Sickness and In Health

The verdict? Cambridge is bad for your health.