(2 + 4)/2 = 3. If you aren’t a mathmo, you’ll need to read on to work out what editor KIERAN CORCORAN means.
LEO PARKER-REES conducts a paternity test and finds that this show truly is the daddy.
“I thought we were heading into a bland dystopia but in the last few weeks I’ve thought ‘maybe – maybe something interesting’s going to happen’.” TOBY PARKER-REES talks to STEWART LEE, alternative comedian to most and a ‘shit-haired cunt’ to some.
BEN BLYTH gets off on technicality. The first review from a publication not thanked in the programme.
TOBY PARKER-REES: ‘Basically, if you like things that are intellectually superior but not by that much, like Charlie Brooker, then have a go on Daniel Kitson’