
Calling all Freshers: join The Tab!

AKA Cambridge’s MOST READ student paper

Am I the only one who hates Cambridge stash?

It’s a-stash-oningly bad

Working at the Freshers’ Fair is Awful

We suffer for your freebies.

A Fresher’s Guide to Getting Ahead in Cambridge

TIM SQUIRRELL presents a handy guide for how to give yourself a headstart in becoming popular at Cambridge.

The Great Stash Debate

TOMMY SHANE and SEBASTIAN SALEK talk stash – hot or not?

The Tab’s T-Shirt Design Competition

We’re on the lookout for the next stash-master to come up. Submit your best Cambridge-themed design to win a fabulous prize, and the glory of seeing your design in print.

Advertorial: How to Cut a Dash in Your Club Stash

It Just Doesn’t Float My Boat

MATT BURNS explains why rowing leaves him feeling empty.