
Total Shit Ed’s

A plumbing failure at St Edmund’s has left residents, including young children, in frozen, unsanitary conditions.

The Taste Test: Mince Pies

The festive quest for that elusive Perfect Pie is on. ED TAN and his team tell us what’s worth putting on our Christmas Llists, and what’s ho-ho-NO.

Cambridge’s Best Bogs

From merry-go-round inspired loos to Cromwell’s chamberpot, GEORGIE WILLIAMS scours Cambridge for the best of the bogs.

Sidney SusSEX Take The Piss

Sidney Sussex’s bursar claims that revellers use his doorway for a quick shag and a cheeky slash, prompting a complaint to the council.

Streetspeare Presents Romeo and Juliet

PETER LEGGATT Calls for a plague on one specific house: “This play has a lot in common with a terrible, terrible night at Cindies”

Swearing Countdown Whizzkid Agrees With Censorship

Cambridge fresher Jack Hurst has told The Tab that Channel 4 “made the right decision” by editing out a swear word he suggested on the show.

Bouncers: The Remix

TOBY PARKER REES & JESSICA PATTERSON are on the door. Shit plays aren’t getting in. ‘Bouncers’ goes home alone.

Lost For Words

All you’ve got left is shit chat, but it’s not hard to get tongues wagging with a bit of crap and a pug. ELLIE PITHERS scrapes the barrel of conversation fodder.

It Just Doesn’t Float My Boat

MATT BURNS explains why rowing leaves him feeling empty.

Film Review: Doctor Parnassus

Terry Gilliam masturbates onto a sea of shit ideas and earns our first no star review. Bravo!