
Tab Guide: How to tell people you go to Cambridge

“What university do you go to?” is possibly the most stressful question a Cambridge student can be asked.

Confessions of a Sex Cam Boy

Yes we cam.

The Tab Companion to: Walks of Shame

RUTH MAINER explains how to turn the traditional Walk of Shame into a Stride of Pride without having to shag Brad Pitt…


If you like this film, there’s probably something wrong with you, says SHAUN LU.

Walks Of Shame

The Walk of Shame is an inevitable part of the sex-scavenger’s university experience. RUTH MARINER has gathered some first-hand gems to reassure you that you are not the slaggiest biscuit in the box.


Cambridge students come clean about their embarrassing, painful and just plain stupid moments over the past week. Massive fails abound.

Cambridge Secrets

The Tab asked its readers to confess all and send in their deepest and darkest secrets. Time to find out what your friends are too ashamed to tell you.