
How to have great sex this summer

It’s getting hot in Cambridge… so take off all your May ball garms

Tales of my Greedy Punt – Week 2

MAISY MINT lets you know the best breezy places to fuck.

Elly Booth – I fancy you

ELLY BOOTH really fancies you. Or at least she wishes she did. Cuz that would be more exciting.


Who needs dating when there’s a website that cuts to the chase for you?

Anna Isaac

Mattresses everywhere this week for ANNA ISAAC.

Walks Of Shame

The Walk of Shame is an inevitable part of the sex-scavenger’s university experience. RUTH MARINER has gathered some first-hand gems to reassure you that you are not the slaggiest biscuit in the box.

Music To Shag To

DAVID HOLLAND: If music be the food of love, go forth and shag to good tunes.

Sidney SusSEX Take The Piss

Sidney Sussex’s bursar claims that revellers use his doorway for a quick shag and a cheeky slash, prompting a complaint to the council.