
Cambridge Best Dressed: In the Rain

It might be wet outside, but these outfits are still fire

Daily Mail is shocked to see Cambridge students outside

So Caesarian Sunday happened again… And the photographers were out in force

Cans Not Canoodling: The Month of Canned Food

BETH SWORDS hates Valentine’s Day and thinks that we should celebrate Canned Food instead.

The Hanging Christian – Episode 3

The Sunday Serial continues apace as Freya is introduced to a secret society that lurks at Cambridge’s very heart…

Cambridge Flooded In Downpour

Shops are forced to close as Cambridge is hit by torrential rain.

Robinson May Ball

LAURA DENNEHY doesn’t let the rain stop her enjoying herself at Robinson May Ball.

Sunny Intervals

ANYA BURGON extols the joys of trooper chic: waterproof clothing that’s no longer frumpy or plastic.

What to wear… in the rain

Clothes aren’t JUST about trends, fashion or fun… Do you know what to wear in the rain?


The Barbour jacket: the perfect practical-meets-insouciant, steal-your-boyfriend’s-clothes-and-still-look-mussed-up-sexy type garment…

Fashion Crush: Squidarella